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Re: Yugoslavia - where is our MP?

[ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ HB Web - discussion and comment ] [ Alison Dale on April 24, 1999 at 16:12:57:

In Reply to: Re: Yugoslavia - where is our MP? posted by Webmaster on April 05, 1999 at 10:45:37:

“”I cannot and do not support the bombing of civilians. The Serbian people as a whole should not be punished for the actions of their leaders. “

These are the words of Christine McCafferty in her reply to me and on the message posted to the Hebden Bridge Web. But Christine, that is exactly what is happening. The bombing of the train may have been a (very predictable) mistake. The bombing of the TV station in the middle of Belgrade was deliberate and is out and out murder. This is terrible! Bombing people who are unarmed and using words not weapons.

This is a horrendous crime. You are a woman. When are you going to say “enough” to the macho strategy of “more and more bombs”. Every day, NATO is escalating this war. As you say, the Serbian people as a whole should not be punished for the actions of their leaders.

You say you do not have that much power as an MP. But you yourself have the power to say STOP! If enough MPs like you say stop, this will change everything. You have the chance of doing something crucial to stop this ever worsening war. Don’t pretend you can’t do anything. What is the point of being our MP if you can’t do anything? Have the courage to say NO to these outrages. Please, for the sake of the future of this world.

Alison Dale
