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Hebden 2000 wants community entrepeneurs

[ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ HB Web - discussion and comment ] [ Gordon Rimer on September 13, 1999 at 15:55:51:

Community entrepeneurs unite

Let's develop a host of businesses in Hebden.

Can we create 100 jobs and attract £millions investment

Yes . . . sure we can. If we can grow a successful Arts Festival, attract investment in the Woodcraft Folk, the NAG Childrens Centre along with the private sector initiatives headed up by our own resident property developer, Derek Parker, with the substantial developments around town he has put in place . . added to which is the Mayroyd Partnership project and not forgetting the Canal Trust's development . . yes, sure we can put together Hebden 2000, a platform, nay, a business start-up consultancy more like, through which we can home-grow our own employment opportunities and effect quality of life issues in the area . . don't you think!

The reason I say all this is because I have a business idea which I want to develop in Hebden. It's an ace business idea in the communications industry and I want to talk to people who are interested in all things digital, telephone, computer, television etc., but there is no platform through which to do it. The more I speak to people the more I think there is a need for such a platform.

So here we go.

I want to stop money bleeding out of this area into businesses which have no interest in the area other than to profit from it. The way to do it! Develop our own broadband telecoms network, everyone who is with BT, and others, subscribe to HebdenCable whereupon HebdenCable will aggregate 15% of all purchases that take place in Hebden and get the best deals available in the marketplace and have a business mission to share equitably amongst all the stakeholders the profits.

Now that to me, is where we need the community entrepeneurs. It's got to be the best deal you'll see in a business dedicated to returning the profits to all the stakeholders and increasing the quality-of-life opportunities in Hebden. Just think, you don't need many people to group-buy in order to get good discounts, but, say half of the telephone subscribers in Hebden , 2,500 families, bought weekly staple food items through HebdenCable, things like bread, cereals, tea, potatoes etc., we'd have over £1.3m worth of purchases to obtain excellent discounts on and pass them on to the subscribers.

Petrol, deisel, car purchases, financial services like mortgages, banking, savings, investments, you name it and, aggregated on a broadband telecoms network using standard hard/software we'd be pioneers showing other communities how to do the same.

Who'd do it. Well, there are already people doing it in the form of small businesses in Hebden. Who better to bring their experience in the miriad of retails sectors than those already doing it on a small scale.

There's much, much more . . but I'll leave you with that for the time being.

Let's use Chris's discussion forum to address the economic infrastructure of the the community we live in, Hebden

I do love Hebden.