Discussion Forum


Posted by Andy Wood
Wednesday, 9th March

I am shocked at the apathy of people in Hebden Bridge. 30 letters of objection were received to the pedestrianisation scheme and only one letter of support from me. The time period has lapsed but Richard.Binks@Calderdale.gov.uk is still accepting comments.

A child was recently run over at picking up time at Riverside school yet still not more than one letter of support for pedestrianisation was received. What is it going to take for the residents of Hebden Bridge to get behind the pedestrianization scheme.

Pedestrianisation would vastly improve our community social life. We could walk around in the town centre without fear of ourselves or our children being run over. We could have outdoor cafes in summer and a reasonable place to promenade on a human scale as our fore-fathers and motherswho lived before the motor car had a right to do.

I would like to suggest that we all e-mail Richard.Binks@Calderdale.gov.uk before the 23rd March when all comments will be reported to a committee of councillors.

We should ask for;

  1. To ensure pedestrianisation to go ahead in St.Georges Square andBridge Gate.
  2. No buses should be allowed on Bridge Gate. The buses would destroy the effect of pedestrianisation and provision would beÊÊ acceptable on streets nearby.

Please edit this letter in any way you like and send it to as many people who are interested in Hebden Bridge as possible.

Lets show we care about our environment and really want to leave a better world for future generations.

Posted by Gary Rathbone
Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Thanks for highlighting this issue. I was unaware a public consultation was taking place. Whilst ignorance is no excuse my email supporting pedestrianisation is now on its way to Mr Binks.

Posted by Nigel Yorke
Wednesday, March 9, 2005

The pedestrianisation of parts of Hebden and the other associated traffic flow changes has already been passed by Hebden Royd Town Council and Callderdale Council (after much debate). The notices you see around town, I believe, are merely a legal step the process has to go through. The public consultation was held last year and over-whelmingly supported the pedestrianisation and the other changes. Although in the first instance buses will still be allowed on Bridge Gate I think we can get this changed too

Posted by Andy Wood
Thursday, March 10, 2005

Please write and express your support for a complete pedestrianisation of Bridge Gate, St. Georges Square. to Richard.Binks@Calderdale.gov.uk

I spoke to Richerad Binks on the telephone and he definitely wants support letters/e-mails.

Opposition to the pedestrianisation and business interests such as the bus company use this kind of lack of support to make their case against pedestrianisation although I was unaware of theÊprevious history (thanks for info).

The notices in Hebden Bridge did ask for comments not objections. Both positive and negative.

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