Pace Egg Play

The 2001 Pace Egg Play will take place on Good Friday at its annual venue in Weaver's Square.

An opportunity to see this ancient marvel.

  • See the brave St George smite all his challengers.
  • Marvel at the slain riseback to new life.
  • Laugh at the perculia antics of Toss Pot.
Originally an adult rebirth ceremony for a good new season The Pace Egg Play is perhaps the world's oldest drama and can be traced back through English and European Mummers' plays to ancient Egypt and Syria. A mixture of a pagan rebirth ceremony with the later influences of Christianity and the Crusades.

The text of the Pace Egg has been past down orally over the years and was at one time performed by the village boys for coppers or eggs at Easter time.

Heptonstall Pace Egg was revived in 1979, and now has an enthusiastic following. As a 'combat' version - the most popular variant in the Pennines - it promises to be an action-packed spectacle that shouldn't be missed! To add further excitement to the proceedings, Neil Collins the fire or knife juggler will herald the performance, weather permitting.

Performance times are as follows in Weaver's Square:

11.15 am
12.45 pm
2.15 pm
3.45 pm

Please note: The Midgley Pace Egg performed by pupils of Calder High School will be at 3.30 pm followed by the Heptonstall version.
The cast is:

St George Ray Riches Bold Slasher Karl Williams The Doctor David Burnop Black Prince Andy Carter King of Egypt Sydney Roper Hector Stuart Hought Toss Pot Dean Gash

For further information contact David Burnop
Day: 0161 877 1944
Ev: 01422 846277