HB Bonfire: on or off?

2000 bonfire

Council officers are considering cancelling the Hebden Bridge Bonfire this year because of the Fire Workers' Strike. Although the Fire Brigade Union have agreed to work on the 5th November, the Hebden Bridge Bonfire is planned for the Saturday before. The HB bonfire in Calder Holmes has long been one of the main attractions for miles around with up to 10,000 attending, although recently there has been some local criticism of the funfare and burger direction it has taken.

Saturday, October 26, 2002: the latest information we have is that the bonfire has been given the go ahead.

THREE ageing Army fire engines will cover Calderdale when firefighters strike next week including a Green Goddess working in the Calder Valley. According to a spokesman from the Fire Bridgades Union, there would normally be eight fire engines working

Stop press: The first two strikes have been cancelled meaning that the bonfire can definitely go ahead.

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