Residents campaign for right of way:
Lee Mill Road to Bowling Green

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Angry residents of Lee Mill Road, Hebden Bridge have been leafleting their street, and surrounding streets after having been prevented from walking and playing in the area surrounding the bridge over the Hebden Water.

Other residents living near the bridge over the Hebden Water have apparently claimed there is no right of way, and have tried to stop young children playing in the area. Andy Wood of Lee Mill Road was stopped from teaching his children to use a bicycle on the tarmaced road opposite the bridge. His children have also been challenged while skate-boarding in the area.

The bridge and path in question

Police have been called and warned at least two residents. The entrance to the dam swimming hole has been fenced off

Resident Andy Wood has told the Hebden Bridge Web that the roadway and land by the river have been used for access and children's play for the entire living memory of people living in the area and therefore nearby residents have their rights under common law.

Lee Mill Bowling Club have sent residents a solicitors' letter establishing beyond doubt that the bowling club and its members have a right of way marked on their deeds from the bowling club over the bridge where the incident occured  and asserting that it is likely that Lee Mill Road is a public right of way.

Many people of Hebden Bridge will be familiar with the walk along the Hebden Water at Salem, past the cricket ground, then the bowling club, over the bridge and back up Lee Mill Road or on to Hardcastle Crags.

Public Rights of Way User Evidence Form: if you would like to help establish a right of way, please complete this form, mark it "Lee Mill Road" and refer to the route from the top of Lee Mill Road to the Bowling Club.

This route is regularly used by ramblers and visitors to Hebden Bridge who may also wish to complete the form.

Map of area

This news item will be updated if and when the situation develops. If you have comments please use our discussion forum

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