A Classical Summer Evening
at Land Farm Garden

Monday, June 12, 2006

The still quiet of a pennine garden on a glorious summer evening was interrupted only by the harmonious voices of Sopranos Due Voci and the sweet sounds produced by Violinist Martyn Jackson on his 17th century Jacob Steiner violin on Saturday night at Land Farm Garden.

The Beautiful garden was the venue for a Fundraising Concert on behalf of Colden School. The combination of delightful music, stunning garden and wonderful weather made the evening a night to remember for all who attended. Interest in the concert was very high.

A Classical Summer Evening at Land farm Garden

Alice Barford, Ailie Kerrane, Martyn Jackson,
Mandy Doyle & Vivien Burr

Chair of FOCS (Friends of Colden School) Debbie McCall told the Hebden Bridge Web, "Demand for tickets was much higher than anticipated, but the venue can only sit a limited nuimber of people, so unfortunately we had to turn non-ticket hoders away. We hope to arrange another performance in the near future."

The evening began with a tour of the Garden by John Williams, then a performance by Martyn Jackson, ex Colden School pupil, accompanied by pianist Daniel Bath. Some of the audience were visibly moved as he played 'Lark Ascending' (Romance for Violin & Piano) by Ralph Vaughn Williams.

During the interval, the audience were served Strawberries & Fizz and due to the glorious weather, had longer than anticipated to enjoy a stroll through the gardens.

Sopranos Mandy Doyle & Vivien Burr were accompanied by Ailie Kerrane for the second half of the performance. They performed pieces by Mozart and Lanier and were joined by Martyn and violinist Alice Bedford for a final performance of 'Chioma D'Oro' by Monteverdi.

A Classical Summer Evening at Land farm Garden

From left to right: Vivien Burr, Martyn Jackson,
Alice Barford, Ailie Kerrane, Daniel Bath & Mandy Doyle

Mandy Doyle, whose eldest daughter is an ex pupil of Colden school, said "From a performer's point of view this is a beautiful place to perform with the stunning backdrop of the Pennine Hills and glorious gardens at Land Farm. We had a wonderfully receptive audience. It was a lovely evening, all the organisers should be pleased with the way it has all been run. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to do it again soon."

Tony Greenwood, Colden School Headmaster said "We are hugely grateful to the very talented musicians and to everyone who supported us, making this event such a pleasure and a success. We have raised £620 which will enable us to buy an interactive whiteboard - a fantastic asset for Colden School. We would like to thank the Williams' for providing us with a stunning venue and say what a pleasure it was to have beautiful music provided by people with past connections with the school. Thank you to all who performed here for us tonight"

FOCS would also like to thank Steve Langdon, Head of Calderdale Music Services; May's Aladdins Cave;The Bookcase,Hebden Bridge; The Secret Garden, Todmorden and Heptonstall Post Office for all their help & advice.

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