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A646 Through Hebden Bridge

From Jae E

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Would someone from Highways, please explain to us all, when the dirt track, masquerading as an A road through Hebden will be resurfaced? It is plain dangerous. And as if the road surface - or what's left of it isn't enough of a challenge - the pelican crossing has all but disappeared, too.

I've lived in this valley since 1987: I've never seen it so poor!

Yes, I realise the council budget has been slashed since the Tories came to government - but please can we have a decent road through this valley?    

From Mark W

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

It's hard to believe Hebden Bridge was voted best market town in the UK 2017.

Market street is like driving through a war torn country. Tourists must wonder what is going on, just like we local residents. I don't know who has the responsibility for decisions about resurfacing but our local council has been very quiet. What a surprise to find it mentioned in the Labour local election leaflet. 

From Amy R

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

In addition to the roadworks on the A646, rightly mentioned,  the council has begun roadworks on Keighley Rd, Hebden Bridge.

Started Monday morning - workers finished by 10 am, but the crazy disruptive traffic lights were left  left on all day Monday,Tuesday....

Where are our local councillors to help us with this? Repeated gridlock, failure to move parked cars to allow passing.... who's more to blame,  the Council, local councillors,  or the (unmarked) utility? 

From Mrs Sharon C Slade

Friday, 23 June 2023

Those of us that live on Market Street have to put up with our buildings shaking as a result of the traffic passing over this appalling road. No matter how many phone calls/emails to the council, they just don't care. It's very worrying to think what is happening to the foundations as a result of vibrations and flooding.

From Gillian MH

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Agreed Sharon. Perhaps the council should have taken town centre residents into consideration and imposed a temporary speed restriction. 5MPH would be more appropriate for those big wagons clattering over the bumps.