Group to form Civic Trust

Another well attended meeting took place at the White Lion on 25 July.  This latest "development watchdog" meeting was chaired by Nicola Milburn-Jones.

David Fletcher had sent his apologies to the meeting and therefore discussions relating to Garden Street were, on this occasion, limited.  However, a summary of the current status of the proposal, prepared by Mr Fletcher was presented to the meeting, but was balanced by inclusion of Anthony Rae’s recent open letter to the Hebden Bridge Times and a further article which reported reaction to the proposal to charge for parking at Hebden Station. 

In relation to Calder Holmes Park, Gwen Goddard provided an update on the proposals to form ‘Friends of Colder Holmes’.  As previously reported on Hebweb, the initial meeting had been well-supported by young and old and had provided some positive contributions and ideas in relation to the revitalisation and improvement of the services within the Park.  The next meeting is to be held at 7.30 pm on Monday 30 July at the Alternative Technology Centre, when Friends of Calder Holmes Park is likely to be set up. Anyone with in an interest in the park will be welcome.

There was also an update on the activities of the Station Adoption Group and again membership encouraged.

However, much of the meeting concentrated on the proposal at the last meeting as to whether to amalgamate the current Watchdog with the proposed reformation of the Civic Trust.

Julian Bugler and Trevor Smith, the current Chair and Treasurer respectively, provided answers to a number of pertinent questions relating to the Trust and its activities and purpose, which provided comfort to many of the attendees, who had expressed some concerns as to the benefits and legalities of this, rather than an ad-hoc meeting of minds, which the present ‘Watchdog’ provided. 

After much discussion, an overwhelming vote indicated attendees were in favour of revitalising the Trust and a number of attendees completed membership forms on the evening.  It was agreed that meetings of the Trust would be open to allow interested parties to join and should there be a matter which it was felt was in need of a wider consultation, this could be advertised in a similar manner to the ‘watchdog’ meetings to date and the public encouraged to attend.

It was agreed a meeting would be arranged with those interested in being part of the committee to discuss roles and responsibilities. An AGM to complete the legal aspects and formalise the Trust will be held in mid-September and a date will be publicised once set.


Application form to join Civic Trust


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