A Great Day Out

Children and parents of Hebden Bridge had a great day out on Saturday visiting Manor Heath and Lister Hall play areas. Hebden Royd Town Council organised and funded the play trip, including the coach and healthy packet lunches, as part of the consultation process for the new play area in Calder Holmes Park

By far the best comment was Lilly's from Central Street School in relation to Lister Hall play area "I want to stay here all night".

Play Trip

The smaller children loved the themed pirate ship in the younger kids' play area. The older ones endlessly used the multiple rope swing, in endless imaginative ways.

All ages used the trellis web climbing feature and the older ones slid down the fireman's pole once they had reached the top. The flume slide was greatly enjoyed but they would have liked it to have been longer!

The basket swing and spinner bowl proofed very popular at Manor Heath.

All the tendered plans are now back, featuring some of the equipment from the visited play areas and much more. The plans will be on display in the Council Offices from 10am till 1pm this Saturday and every week day from 9am till 4pm until Wednesday the 12th of March and in the park on the morning of Saturday the 8th. Everyone, adults and children, can add comments and vote on their favoured scheme.

Please feel free to contact Naomi Goddard at the Town Council if you would like any more information on 01422 842181 or email   

See also

Hebweb News: Winning the People's Millions