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Picture House

From Graham H

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

An accolade to our wonderful Picture House staff.

You know how irritating it is to hear a memorable piece of music and be nevertheless unable to remember what it is? This happened to us a few days ago during the Interval just before the main film.

Returning several days later, I asked the receptionist if there was any way of identifying it. She rang upstairs to the projectionist, who came down, took it on board, went back and played several `possibles' into that evening's interval, returned to check which it was, went out of his way during the main film to make a copy on to a blank CD, gave it to me at the end of the film, took my number and rang up the next day with further details of the exact track and album details. Amazing! Oh, the track? How could we have forgotten? It was the hauntingly beautiful oboe solo from The Mission.