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Valley of Lights

From Dave R

Friday, 30 November 2012

Well done to everyone involved in last nights event. You did a fantastic job.

What a huge turn out of local support, and well done those businesses who stayed open to support it.

Great work from the stewards and Street Angels too.

I could see this becoming an annual event getting bigger and better each year. Hope someone is willing to put the money up to do so.

From Cllr Tim Swift

Friday, 30 November 2012


It's great to see that the early reactions have been so positive. Having not been able to get to the first two days, and relying on folowing on twitter and facebook, I'm looking forward to seeing the finale in Mytholmroyd on Saturday.

Calderdale Council put quite a lot of funding into this event, because we wanted it to happen and to happen quickly. We'll certainly be looking at the impact afterwards - personally I would love to see something continued, with the proviso that we've really got to think about linked or equivalent events across the Borough, and that funding is going to be pretty tight - so we are going to have to be pretty robust about understanding the economic benefits. But please share ideas on what can be developed and grown from this event!

Cllr Tim Swift
Leader, Calderdale MBC

From Jeni Wetton

Friday, 30 November 2012

Congratulations and thank you to all those involved in last night's light night. From the stewards, lantern makers, police, performers, council, shop keepers etc. - it was a sterling effort. And so good to see Hebden looking clean and tidy again this morning. People have worked so hard. Let's all say a big thank you by supporting our wonderful local traders. I shall be doing all my Christmas shopping in the valley. Thank you for a lovely evening.

From Ian M

Friday, 30 November 2012

Having attended both Todmorden And Hebden Bridge I would like to add my congratulations on two wonderful events so far, fingers crossed for a third on Saturday!

My one and only disappointment was the cycle ride. My family and I eagerly waited between Hebden and Mytholmroyd to watch the procession of two hundred bikes. You can imagine our disappointment when only a handful appeared accompanied by a Police escort. This disappointment was compounded further when, on our way home, we passed back through Hebden and saw many of the illuminated cycles and riders scattered around the town chatting at the roadside. It seems a shame as there was a reserve list for a place on the side, perhaps the lure of the bright lights of Hebden was too much?

From Andy W

Saturday, 1 December 2012

I had a great time at the Festival of Lights Thursday night, and am very grateful to all who helped organise it.

I would like to offer some explanation to Ian M as to why some of the cyclists failed to make it to the Dusty Miller (where all participants were offered much needed warming drinks and a buffet)

I cannot speak for any of the other participants whom you saw, but as for myself and my companion I feel we had a valid excuse:

In the summer I was knocked off my bicycle and was unable to walk, let alone ride for months afterwards.

After that it has taken me a long time to build up my strength again and this was my first ride of any sort of distance. Having reached Hebden Bridge I am sorry to say that I did not feel I had the stamina to ride all the way to Mytholmroyd, before riding all the way back to Tod to return to where I had started. Instead I took some time to see what other festival go-ers had done to illuminate the town, and then had a sit down to rest my legs before setting off on the ride back again.

I am sorry I was unable to participate in the ride to the Dusty Miller but was happy to have done my part, along with the 100 or so other riders who braved the icy roads that night, and to have shared the evening with all the crowds / stall holders / entertainers who had too braved the cold night was a real pleasure.

Thank you to all who enabled this awesome event to take place.


From Max and Molly Sunderland

Monday, 3 December 2012

Many thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of the Valley of Lights in Mytholmroyd on Saturday evening. It created a wonderful entertaining spectacle for the village and was truly appreciated by the many people who attended. Hope a similar project can be repeated in the future.

From Chris Sands

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Hi. We have been so thrilled with people's response to Valley of Lights, and also the response of volunteers and sharers of photos and videos.

A little explaination of the bikes. The couple of riders that came in early broke away from the main pack as they were feeling the cold. The main pack had to wait half way between Tod & Hebden because there were so many people in Hebden (way more than expected) that the parade was delayed, so the bikes had to wait for the carpark & Bridgegate to clear.

There was around 160 cyclists in the end, which was amazing (I was one) and the welcome into Hebden was incredible. Hope that explains a bit. A wonderful time, and the ride was special (even though it was minus 4 degrees on the way home!).

Chris Sands
VOL organiser.