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MP xmas card

From Andy M

Friday, 21 December 2012

So we all got an e-card from our MP? At least I hope we all did! :-o.

In the spirit of goodwill to all I refrained from replying and tried to take it in the spirit it might conceivably have been given. However, I couldn't help wondering how single sex couples felt on receiving the card given the recent news: 'Our MP, Craig Whittaker will vote against same-sex marriages.'

Happy Christmas to everyone . . . really everyone!

From Tim B

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Andy - I deleted mine without opening it.

Tim (HumBug) B

From Paul Clarke

Saturday, 22 December 2012

I'd actually forgotten we had a MP as he seems to do very little other than sprout right wing nonsense that would shame even Bernard Ingham.

From Andy M

Sunday, 23 December 2012

I must admit I hadn't opened it at the time of posting Tim but then, mistakenly, did - and had to be restrained from hurling heavy objects at the screen.

Still, it could have been worse - we might have got a round-robin card!

'Hi - since we last year I've been topping-up my orange tan...until an aide pointed out I looked like a Lib Dem..a no-one likes them do they?!!!!!

Got my collar felt by the fuzz a bit later in the year and had to lie low for some time...but then was off the hook and bought a new Whittycar . . . have you seen it?!!!!

December: voted against single sex marriage, did my expenses and sent out a daft card'

Merry Xmas!

ps Its hard work being an MP you know