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Six dwellings at Old Chamber

From Lesley M

Friday, 25 January 2013

We have yet another application for dwellings in the green belt at Old Chamber, Spencer Lane, Erringden, six of them: 3-bedroomed houses all to be created in the area of the current stone barn (with a raised roof-line) and then 12 parking spaces in the place of the red brick barn to the west (see Calderdale Council's website for Planning application numbers: 12/01401/FUL and 12/01402/LBC).

The road access is poor, with no provision for the safety of pedestrians. This is especially true at the poor access road under the railway bridge (most favoured route by current Old Chamber residents rather than Palace House Road).

The siting of 6 more dwellings in green belt with no bus service, no school, no shops, no nothing is simply not sustainable. The 12 parking spaces say it all: every journey, to school, work, shops, post office, etc. has to be by car.

Two large barns will be lost. These recently have been used for the storage of tractors and hay as well as, a few years ago, for the stabling of sheep. This means the loss of yet another viable farming unit. Will it entail the need for a large new barn to go up sometime soon (for which planning permission is not needed)?

The design is a matter of taste. There will be internal balconies to the side visible when you walk up to Old Chamber which, as I understand it, are to be built of stone and timber. I personally wouldn't like to go down ten or seven steps behind the existing stone wall to access my front door.

It would be good if we could ensure that development around the Upper Calder Valley is sustainable with the smallest possible carbon footprint. I don't think this plan fits the bill.

From Martin F

Monday, 28 January 2013

Thanks Lesley for letting us all know about this.

Would everyone please note that the date limit for comments is the 4th of February (only a week today).

From David Telford

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

I can't see it a problem. Shops etc are walkable / cycleable and in any case, there is unlikely to be any congestion even if all 6 households were on the road at the same time.

They will have some lovely views and I suspect the farmer has already considered the logistics of storing his tractor.

See also:

Planning Watch