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Academisation - OFSTED Inspection at Calder High February 12th and 13th

From Peter Buckley

Monday, 11 February 2013

Parents and Carers who receive text or email alerts from Calder High will now know that the school is to be inspected tomorrow and Wednesday.

There are letters on the school website from the inspectors regarding the process. one aspect that will be taken into account is the opinion of Parents and Carers expressed on the OFSTED "Parent View" website to which there is a link on the Calder High web site.

The inspectors will only take account of views submitted in this manner by 11am tomorrow (Tuesday). Currently there have been only 93 responses from a school roll of 1379 pupils. The letter from the inspection team also details how to make personal contact.

Peter Buckley
Parent Governor

From Graham Barker

Monday, 11 February 2013

Parents' View is one of those very simplistic surveys where you can't provide nuanced answers or open up different areas of concern. The last question is: 'Would you recommend this school to someone else?' All I know is that I wouldn't recommend this survey to anyone else.

Better would have been a continuous dialogue, over years, between the school's governors and parents. It might have led to improvements that might have spared CHS the academy threat.

Too late now.

From June Eaton

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Thanks Peter. As the DfE's contrived reason for converting CHS to an academy is that achievement is not satisfactory, I shall be telephoning and/or writing to OFSTED (see phone number in letter, on school website here if any parents have missed it) to tell them that I believe the school is currently improving and has already improved substantially since September 2012, and that my child's achievement in that time has been excellent.

I encourage other parents to do likewise.