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Sainsburys Appeal

From Julie C

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Loving the Judges comments at Point 31:-"Mr Easton did his magnificent best to cut down the Inspector's decision. At times however I felt I was subjected to some kind of learned treatise worthy of the old days of the Chancery Court."

From Bob Deacon

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

This is really good news. Now this final appeal has been rejected the Hebden Bridge Partnership, working with the town council and Calderdale Council will be seeking to engage the owners of the site in a conversation about how they could plan developments which really meet the needs of HB residents and would be supported. Some ideas exist such as housing or parking or a 'training hotel' or other community use.

From Bernard B

Saturday, 2 January 2016

I'm sure they would be very pleased to be allowed to plonk just housing on that site, Bob Deacon. I always thought the convenience store thing was a bit of a distraction (that took on a life of its own) from the 5 town houses and 3 apartments that were also part of the plans.