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Hebden Bridge Folk Roots Festival

From Andy G

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

On behalf of the festival organising committee, I would like to thank everyone who helped to make the event such a resounding success for the second year running. We are particularly grateful to the local businesses which gave us sponsorship, advertised in the programme and provided venues for the various events. We must also thank the small army of willing volunteers who gave freely of their time to ensure the smooth running of the festival and also the people who turned out in their hundreds to attend the various concerts and ensured that the festival made a modest surplus to put towards the organisation of next year's event.

Once again, the sun shone and the atmosphere in town was electric (or, in some cases, acoustic!) and everyone seemed to be having a good time. We hope that the shops and cafes in Bridgegate and the Square were not too badly inconvenienced by the purely acouistic busking and indeed that they received increased trade as a result of the festival. Any amplified buskers who may have turned up were not part of the festival and had not been authorised by the committee.

We hope that the whole community benefitted from this "feelgood" festival and look forward to next yea… if we have any energy left!

Update: Further to my original post, the committee would like to pass on special thanks to the Small Grants Committees of both Calderdale and Hebden Royd councils - without whose assistance the festival couldn't have taken place in the form that it took - and also to the town's largest employer - Calrec - who provided first class digital sound equipment and an ultra-professional, business premier class sound engineer (Jim) at the Birchcliffe Centre. He drew much praise from both performers and audiences throughout the weekend. Apologies if I've missed anyone else out, but we're all still a wee bit tired and emotional at this stage.