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Monday, 1 August 2011

Job Offer - Calderdale Sustainability Forum (CSF Ltd): Freelance Project Worker

Environmental project worker wanted: Calderdale Sustainability Forum (CSF Ltd) - the Local Agenda 21 body for Calderdale, incorporating Calder Future, and pushing forward the local strategies on climate change and recycling - needs a flexible hours/freelance project worker to assist with its routine administration but also project development, organisation and fundraising. If you think you have the skills and motivation to contribute in these areas please contact CSF Chair Anthony Rae ar@anthonyrae.com; closing date is Wednesday 24th August.

Job Description

CSF has been in existence for around 10 years after the Local Agenda 21 organisation for Calderdale became independent from Calderdale Council. It is financially solvent and now a 'virtual' organisation, having no permanent employees or premises. Instead it delivers its output by working with freelancers, of which there are at present two; and also with a range of partners. The CSF chair and 'manager' is Anthony Rae, and it has its own company board.

We have four principal areas of activity at present: Calder Future, the Calderdale river partnership (which is now wholly merged with CSF)); pushing forward the development of a climate change strategy for Calderdale (with Calderdale Council and Friends of the Earth as partners); advising the Council on recycling promotion; and representing the Calderdale 'environment' on the Local Strategic Partnership board and its Environmental Partnership.

To assist with the delivery of these areas of activity and routine organisational tasks we need a project worker who can contribute in most/all of the following areas:

- management of payments and accounts, and activity relating to the CSF company (annual accounts etc).

- contributing to event and programme organisation, including liaison with a range of partners.

- contributing to the organisation of volunteering activities

- contributing to fundraising and project development, including assisting in grant applications

- contributing to managing and keeping the CSF websites up-to-date

- possibly representing CSF at routine meetings

You will need to demonstrate commitment to or detailed knowledge of some aspects of the Calderdale or wider environment and sustainability; in particular knowledge and expertise in issues relating to climate change and energy efficiency would be desirable. And also evidence/ experience of analytical ability, project work or working as a freelancer. You will want to make a difference to the environment in Calderdale.

You will need to be self-starting and trustworthy, capable of organising your contribution to CSF with the minimum of supervision. You will be working under the direction of CSF 'manager' Anthony Rae, and with the two other CSF freelancers.

Depending on your skills/contribution payment will be around ?10 an hour subject to discussion. CSF does not provide contracts of employment, and hours worked will be determined 'as we go along'. You will work from your own home (and a location near Hebden Bridge where the other CSF freelancers live/work would be helpful but not essential) and possess fully functioning computer equipment.

Please submit your application (maybe 2 pages?) by Wednesday 24th August. For further information and a preliminary discussion contact Anthony Rae to arrange a telephone conversation.

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