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Choir Seeks New Singers

Friday, 20 January 2023

The Young At Heart Singers meet every Tuesday during term-time in the common room at Mytholm Court, Hebden Bridge. The group is led by innovative professional singing teacher Teresa, and sings a wide variety of songs.

Everyone is welcome, there are no auditions and no prior knowledge of music is required - everyone has a voice, even those who claim not to be able to sing!

Evidence is mounting to show that singing is helpful to health in a number of ways -it improves mood, breathing and energy levels.

Belonging to a social group has clear benefits, including reducing isolation and stress. Dr. Michael Mosely's recent Radio 4 series, 'Just One Thing', featured singing as one of the simplest ways to improve health.

Meetings take place between 1 and 2 pm, the charge is £4 which includes tea and biscuits.

If your New Year's resolution was to take up a new activity, or renew a former one, please consider joining our friendly group.

For further details phone Jill on 07384 758499.