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Consultation for 2nd screen at Picture House

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

A public consultation event has been announced as proposals to add an additional screen in the balcony at Hebden Bridge Picture House continue to evolve.

The event will take place on Monday 15 April between 5pm and 6pm at the iconic single-screen cinema, now in its 103rd year. Members of the community are invited to consult with the project team, gaining insights into the evolving proposals and hear any recent updates. Complimentary refreshments will be provided upon arrival by Hebden Royd Town Council, owners of the cinema.

Emma Green, Project Manager, is thrilled by the ongoing engagement from the community. "Your feedback has been invaluable," Emma exclaimed. "Let's keep the conversation going at the community event and through our survey, as we approach the end of the public consultation period."

Pete Berrisford, the Cinema Manager, stressed how crucial community involvement is in shaping the cinema's future. "We highly value community input and eagerly await the participation of residents and businesses at the event. Your perspectives and support are essential for us to realise our shared vision of creating a sustainable and thriving cinema for years to come."

Feedback and thoughts on the proposed plans can be submitted until the end of April, either at the event or through our survey, which can be accessed online via our website or in person at the cinema foyer.
To access detailed information about the project, complete the survey and stay up to date with all the latest developments visit this Picture House web page

Previously, on the HebWeb

Community Consultation for second screen at Picture House (Dec 2023)

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